June 30, 2010
June 29, 2010
June 28, 2010
Me and Glastonbury
It been 40th years since the first Glastonbury Festival and has been attract hundred thousand people. Being a part of Glastonbury history is an honor for some people.
It been 40th years since the first Glastonbury Festival and has been attract hundred thousand people. Being a part of Glastonbury history is an honor for some people.
"NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA" is a phrases that i hate the most of being a Malaysian. Not that I'm not proud of being one but when you can't get what you want while other people can easily get it is extremely frustrating. Sometime i wonder a lot why this kind of propaganda happen why owhh why??!

|BBC Glastonbury Official Website|

|Glastonbury Official Website|

|Glastonbury Official Website|
Someday I really wish i could go to Glastonbury Festival. I don't know if i could but i would love to try to save some money so that one day I'll be there. Just wait for me Glastonbury. Okay I'm a little bit lazy today so i guess I'll tell you more about the history of Glastonbury Festival next time... until then have a lovely days.
p|s: click picture to go to their website
June 27, 2010
June 26, 2010
Clash - June 2010
Clash - June 2010
English | PDF | 148 pages | 53.5 MB
Clash is an award-winning independent monthly magazine dedicated to music, fashion, film and lifestyle. Exquisitely produced, its unique style presents exclusive in-depth interviews from legends and future heroes of music across all genres, made by passionate music lovers for music lovers. With an insightful and trusted reviews section, Clash is the only magazine you’ll ever need.
2DArtist Magazine Issue 53
2DArtist Magazine Issue 53 - May 2010
English | PDF | 125.12 Mb
2DArtist is a Magazine about Concept Art, Digital & Matte Painting creatives around the globe.
2DArtist Magazine will focus on techniques, tutorials, interviews, articles, project overviews and galleries. We will have news and reviews too but we find that these topics are best covered by the online news and CG sites that thrive on daily updates. Our magazine will focus on becoming more of a timeless resource for artists to turn to again and again whether you view it from your screen or choose to print it off.

2DArtist is a Magazine about Concept Art, Digital & Matte Painting creatives around the globe.
2DArtist Magazine will focus on techniques, tutorials, interviews, articles, project overviews and galleries. We will have news and reviews too but we find that these topics are best covered by the online news and CG sites that thrive on daily updates. Our magazine will focus on becoming more of a timeless resource for artists to turn to again and again whether you view it from your screen or choose to print it off.

June 25, 2010
June 23, 2010
June 21, 2010
Mercy Mercy Me
p|s: nothing much except the fact is i missing Julian Casablancas amazing voices.. i can't wait for their next album.. it drives me insane..
June 20, 2010
Heart To Tell
Band: The Love Language
Title: A Heart To Tell
Isn't it strange, these laws of attraction?
Let me be the one you rearrange
Lets start a chain reaction
We will know time will tell just like the tides
They ebb and flow
I'm no sailor, I want to rock the boat
And I cant waste a fallen star to fade away
I never had the heart to tell her
No, I never had the words to say
Some fools rush in, some fools just wait
I never had the heart to tell her
So I had to had the heart to break
And I'm still shaking the pain
You can walk all over me, just dont you walk away
I need a flame and she's a water bearer
Now I'm rubbing sticks out in the rain
Well it's just trial and error
We will know time will tell just like the tides
They ebb and flow
oh honey let me in or let me go
And I cant waste a fallen star to fade away
I never had the heart to tell her
No, I never had the words to say
Some fools rush in, some fools just wait
I never had the heart to tell her
So I had to had the heart to break
And I'm still shaking the pain
You can walk all over me, just don't you walk away

Andy Warhol once says "The most exciting thing is not doing it. If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it's much more exciting."
Today I'm going to talk about why I'm still single, not a very interesting topic though. Anyway why am i still single? For certain people being a single person without any relation makes they scared and some people never really care either they have a boyfriend or girlfriend or what ever you may call it. I'm the kind of person who always get rejection, kinda pathetic don't you think? Sometimes i think why am i always get rejected and why for some people it seem so easy? But deep in my tiny little heart says "maybe i haven't found someone who really care to love me" and one thing i love about being rejected is, you know that you are rejected so it time to move on.. so i won't bother to chase you anyway cause i have some other girl to chase. Its not the end of the world for me yet.
Anyhow a series of rejection can make you scare to publicly humiliate yourself again in the future.. So this kind of thing happen to me.. I get rejected again and again, such a happy feeling, but bad for your health. When i think again, i never go through such a extreme adventure in relationship where you have to swim the ocean to get the girl or you have to climb the Everest Mountain to get her. I would love to try it though.
I once watch a love story title "Train Man" where a guy get some advice from a group of people when he meet a girl in a train. It base on real story so i think there is nothing really impossible when it come to love story. Still why am I still single? I end up buying a book title "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" so that i can figure out what the problem but it seem i found nothing.

Sincerely, i think i need some guidance in this kind of issue or maybe the real problems is, i think too much.. instead of thinking to much why don't just go and do something about it.. The real thing is I'm not that "horny" to find a girl "fcuk" with.. maybe all i need is a lovely friends where i can talk about anything without judging my sense of value.. (if you know what I'm talking about)
Do you think, to fall in love need a strong reason to fall in love? It just don't make any sense to me.. Well i guess I'll just wait my princess fall down from the sky.. lol..
for those who care to read it thanks.. i really appreciate it, though it kinda embarrassing thing to talk about.
p|s: most of the time if I have some "love" things, i write a song about it, although it is "scuk" it does make me felt better..
Isn't it strange, these laws of attraction?
Let me be the one you rearrange
Lets start a chain reaction
We will know time will tell just like the tides
They ebb and flow
I'm no sailor, I want to rock the boat
And I cant waste a fallen star to fade away
I never had the heart to tell her
No, I never had the words to say
Some fools rush in, some fools just wait
I never had the heart to tell her
So I had to had the heart to break
And I'm still shaking the pain
You can walk all over me, just dont you walk away
I need a flame and she's a water bearer
Now I'm rubbing sticks out in the rain
Well it's just trial and error
We will know time will tell just like the tides
They ebb and flow
oh honey let me in or let me go
And I cant waste a fallen star to fade away
I never had the heart to tell her
No, I never had the words to say
Some fools rush in, some fools just wait
I never had the heart to tell her
So I had to had the heart to break
And I'm still shaking the pain
You can walk all over me, just don't you walk away

Andy Warhol once says "The most exciting thing is not doing it. If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it's much more exciting."
Today I'm going to talk about why I'm still single, not a very interesting topic though. Anyway why am i still single? For certain people being a single person without any relation makes they scared and some people never really care either they have a boyfriend or girlfriend or what ever you may call it. I'm the kind of person who always get rejection, kinda pathetic don't you think? Sometimes i think why am i always get rejected and why for some people it seem so easy? But deep in my tiny little heart says "maybe i haven't found someone who really care to love me" and one thing i love about being rejected is, you know that you are rejected so it time to move on.. so i won't bother to chase you anyway cause i have some other girl to chase. Its not the end of the world for me yet.
Anyhow a series of rejection can make you scare to publicly humiliate yourself again in the future.. So this kind of thing happen to me.. I get rejected again and again, such a happy feeling, but bad for your health. When i think again, i never go through such a extreme adventure in relationship where you have to swim the ocean to get the girl or you have to climb the Everest Mountain to get her. I would love to try it though.
I once watch a love story title "Train Man" where a guy get some advice from a group of people when he meet a girl in a train. It base on real story so i think there is nothing really impossible when it come to love story. Still why am I still single? I end up buying a book title "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" so that i can figure out what the problem but it seem i found nothing.

Sincerely, i think i need some guidance in this kind of issue or maybe the real problems is, i think too much.. instead of thinking to much why don't just go and do something about it.. The real thing is I'm not that "horny" to find a girl "fcuk" with.. maybe all i need is a lovely friends where i can talk about anything without judging my sense of value.. (if you know what I'm talking about)
Do you think, to fall in love need a strong reason to fall in love? It just don't make any sense to me.. Well i guess I'll just wait my princess fall down from the sky.. lol..
for those who care to read it thanks.. i really appreciate it, though it kinda embarrassing thing to talk about.
p|s: most of the time if I have some "love" things, i write a song about it, although it is "scuk" it does make me felt better..
June 13, 2010
Does Humanity Still Exist?
THE ROAD (2009)
The Road atau dalam bahasa melayunya "Jalan" adalah pada asalnya sebuah buku karya Cormac McCarthy, seorang penulis America yang pada pandangan aku sungguh hebat. Tapi aku nak ceritakan pasal filem yang sama tajuk dan jalan ceritanya. The Road mengisahkan cerita perjalanan dua anak beranak iaitu si ayah dan anaknya. Alkisah berkisah dimana bumi berada di alam tiadanya peradaban iaitu selepas berlakunya kejadian-kejadian besar atau "apocalypse" yang mana sifat kemanusiaan hampir hilang atau sudah hilang barangkali.
Perjalanan kedua anak beranak ini yang terpaksa menempuhi pelbagai rintangan seperti dikejar manusia canibal kerana sumber makanan adalah sangat-sangat sukar untuk diperolehi dan yang tinggal adalah daging manusia, mangsanya? Selain itu, kedua anak beranak ini terpaksa berjalan kaki dalam keadaan kelaparan, kalau nak dibandingkan dengan masyarakat sekarang nak ambil makanan ke dapur pun meraung minta diambilkan.
Ada suatu adegan yang mana selepas kedua anak beranak menemui tempat simpanan makanan bawah tanah, namun bertekad meninggalkannya kerana kurang selamat, kemudiannya mereka berdua terjumpa seorang lelaki tua. Si anak memohon si ayah supaya memberikan sedikit kepada orang tua yang mereka temui. Pada fikiran aku, akankah aku lakukan perkara yang sama sekiranya situasi itu berlaku pada aku. Mungkin ya atau mungkin tidak.
Penghujung cerita agak menyedihkan namun disebalik kesedihan itu tercipta satu kegembiraan. Walauapapun tontonlah sendiri dan aku pasti anda dan anda akan merubah jarak penglihatan minda anda.
Ramai yang mengatakan bahawa mereka mempunyai sifat kemanusian, berkata tidak cukup wahai kawan, buktikan!
Mungkin tidak terlalu bodoh untuk aku berkata bahawa aku yakin dan percaya suatu seperti ini akan terjadi kerana adalah tidak mustahil suatu ketika nanti ketamadunan akan hilang, manusia memakan manusia untuk terus hidup bahkan duit yang kininya satu kegilaan akan dijadikan pemanas badan. Pengajarannya? cuba fikirkan sendiri..
June 12, 2010

|Click picture for larger view|
Favorite: Alexander Wang
Source: Nylon Magazine (April 2010)

|Click picture for larger view|
Favorite: Alexander Wang
Source: Nylon Magazine (April 2010)
June 11, 2010
June 10, 2010
1 c. greetings
1/2 c. smiles
1 lg. hug
2/3 c. love
1 tsp. sympathy
2 c. Hospitality
Cream greeting and smiles thoroughly. Add hugs separately. Slowly stir in love. Sift sympathy and hospitality and fold in carefully. Bake in warm heart. Serve often.
1 c. greetings
1/2 c. smiles
1 lg. hug
2/3 c. love
1 tsp. sympathy
2 c. Hospitality
Cream greeting and smiles thoroughly. Add hugs separately. Slowly stir in love. Sift sympathy and hospitality and fold in carefully. Bake in warm heart. Serve often.
Okay cerita dia macam nie, tak berapa lama yang mana aku pun dah lupa tarikhnya aku ternampak satu perenggan ayat yang bertulis "Got crazy hands and can't stop doodling? Love to draw or sketch? Send your random art to editor@junkonline.net and get featured in JUNK!" dalam Junk Magazine. Jadi dengan tak malunya aku hantar 5 design. 3 macam dalam gambar 2 lagi design tribute to Yunalis dan tribute to Zee Avi. Pada mulanya ku tak terfikir akan dipilih untuk di feature dalam majalah berbahasa inggeris itu. Kalau ditanya ada ke tak aku semak sama ada artwork aku dipilih ke tak? aku adalah check tapi tak lah tinggi mana harapan tu. Lepastu aku terlepas satu isu iaitu isu 44 bulan May. (Kings Of Convenience Cover Page). Aku nak berterima kasih ngan individu bernama ANEN yang memaklumkan bahawa artwork aku ada dalam Junk Magazine. Mulanya aku tak percaya, yalah mana mungkin artwork yang tak seberapa tu akan kena pilih. cari punya cari kat kedai buku tak jumpa Junk Magazine. Kecewa juga masa tu, celaka kedai buku nie, serba tak ada. Aku cubalah kedai lain, nasib aku baik ada Isu 45 (Yuna Cover) telek punya telek takda. Aku tanya taukey kedai buku tu ada lagi ke isu sebelum nie. Dengan selamba dia kata "cari sendiri", dalam hati memang menyumpah tapi aku tetapkan pencarian. Jumpa isu 44 aku selak satu persatu muka surat majalah tu takut-takut terlepas pandang. Sampai ke muka surat 22 ada satu artwork dari Libra Loh, masa tu hampa sesangat sebab dalam setiap isu Junk Magazine hanya satu artwork akan di pilih, aku pun selak lah lagi. Dengan perasan yang tersangat excited dan tak terkata dek ayat aku keluarkan dompet yang panjangnya lebih kurang sama panjang tapak kaki aku, ku beli terus majalah itu. Sebabnya seperti yang korang tengok dalam gambar tu.
Aku juga nak berterima kasih dengan JUNK MAGAZINE sebab dah pilih artwork aku yang tak seberapa tu. Aku janji akan berusaha dengan lebih gigih, tekun dan takkan cincai dalam setiap artwork aku pada masa yang akan datang demi menjaga nama baik JUNK MAGAZINE dan WEKILLEASY.
Untuk pengetahuan korang aku bukanlah pelajar jurusan yang kerjanya men-design, jadi pengiktirafan yang sebegini adalah pencapaian yang terbaik setakat ini dan semoga berterusan.
Sekian Terima Kasih,
Gilbert Millioaniire
Okay cerita dia macam nie, tak berapa lama yang mana aku pun dah lupa tarikhnya aku ternampak satu perenggan ayat yang bertulis "Got crazy hands and can't stop doodling? Love to draw or sketch? Send your random art to editor@junkonline.net and get featured in JUNK!" dalam Junk Magazine. Jadi dengan tak malunya aku hantar 5 design. 3 macam dalam gambar 2 lagi design tribute to Yunalis dan tribute to Zee Avi. Pada mulanya ku tak terfikir akan dipilih untuk di feature dalam majalah berbahasa inggeris itu. Kalau ditanya ada ke tak aku semak sama ada artwork aku dipilih ke tak? aku adalah check tapi tak lah tinggi mana harapan tu. Lepastu aku terlepas satu isu iaitu isu 44 bulan May. (Kings Of Convenience Cover Page). Aku nak berterima kasih ngan individu bernama ANEN yang memaklumkan bahawa artwork aku ada dalam Junk Magazine. Mulanya aku tak percaya, yalah mana mungkin artwork yang tak seberapa tu akan kena pilih. cari punya cari kat kedai buku tak jumpa Junk Magazine. Kecewa juga masa tu, celaka kedai buku nie, serba tak ada. Aku cubalah kedai lain, nasib aku baik ada Isu 45 (Yuna Cover) telek punya telek takda. Aku tanya taukey kedai buku tu ada lagi ke isu sebelum nie. Dengan selamba dia kata "cari sendiri", dalam hati memang menyumpah tapi aku tetapkan pencarian. Jumpa isu 44 aku selak satu persatu muka surat majalah tu takut-takut terlepas pandang. Sampai ke muka surat 22 ada satu artwork dari Libra Loh, masa tu hampa sesangat sebab dalam setiap isu Junk Magazine hanya satu artwork akan di pilih, aku pun selak lah lagi. Dengan perasan yang tersangat excited dan tak terkata dek ayat aku keluarkan dompet yang panjangnya lebih kurang sama panjang tapak kaki aku, ku beli terus majalah itu. Sebabnya seperti yang korang tengok dalam gambar tu.
Aku juga nak berterima kasih dengan JUNK MAGAZINE sebab dah pilih artwork aku yang tak seberapa tu. Aku janji akan berusaha dengan lebih gigih, tekun dan takkan cincai dalam setiap artwork aku pada masa yang akan datang demi menjaga nama baik JUNK MAGAZINE dan WEKILLEASY.
Untuk pengetahuan korang aku bukanlah pelajar jurusan yang kerjanya men-design, jadi pengiktirafan yang sebegini adalah pencapaian yang terbaik setakat ini dan semoga berterusan.
Sekian Terima Kasih,
Gilbert Millioaniire
June 7, 2010
Just back from Sibu and Sri Aman "tour".. lots of things happen, pretty exciting though. I just realize i had lots of little cousin and i really love kids.. can't wait to be a father which will take a few year before i ready to become one, to much responsibility and commitment.. yet I'm not ready plus who would like to be my wife? Okay enough with all wife husband topic.. I'll post everything as soon as possible.. until then take care!
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